Garlic widely uses as kitchen spicy item for over the period of times. Now it is in educations to cure diseases and has identified by modern discipline to profit of physical condition. It has works anti viral and bacterial property. It has contains a lot of antioxidants that will develop our immune system. Disease related heart and cancer will prevent by using garlic directly and indirectly. Allicin is one of the element which formed when you crush or heat. So it is recommended to eating raw garlic. It is the most health benefits.
If we have taken garlic in each day then it can reduce the risk of different types of cancers particularly colon and stomach cancer. Garlic reduces the formulation of cancer cells. Garlic which ability to improve the immune system. Strong immune system is to fight against disease significantly.
It has also helped to avoid cardiovascular disease and reduce the risk of stroke. Diabetes created many negative effects on our human body. Many people have been suffering from diabetes. So, if we practice to eat garlic as raw we may cure from several health hazards and living comfortable.
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